√ Dog Breed Profile: Are Akita Shepherds Good Family Dogs? - Yahoo ...
Dog Breed Profile: Are Akita Shepherds Good Family Dogs? Do Akita Shepherds Make Good Pets?
Please recommend a large breed dog that is good with small children and protective of family. Great Dane? Wolf Hound? Other?
Do Labs make good family-friendly dogs? I have three kids. I want to find a family dog I asked about a shitzu but from what I gather I dont think I will go that rought.
Learn the basics as you search for the perfect dog for your family. Tips on choosing a breed, which breeds are best with children and how to find a good breeder.
Best Answer: Hands down german shepherds. I currently have four. When my kids were very small, I had a huge gsd, not an aggressive bone in his body. I keep ...
A good guard dog will protect the home while providing companionship.
In some bloodlines they are temperamental - check with a good breeder if you have very small children. They are a good family dog, but need well behaved children, and ...
Children And Dogs - How Can You Make The Relationship A Good One? Dogs are a great part ... my earliest and favorite childhood memories are of time shared with our family dogs.
Just like no two families are quite the same, no two dogs are either. Many of us have fond memories of family dogs from childhood. Additionally, many of us are living ...
Best Answer: The Beagle is a gentle, sweet, lively and curious dog that just loves everyone A happy little tail-wagger Sociable, brave and intelligent ...
Are Blue Heelers Good Family Dogs? - We are thinking of getting a blue heeler pup for the family. What do you know about this breed?
Best Answer: I would recommend adopting a dog from a shelter - mutts are generally ALOT healthier than pure bred dogs, but sometimes you can find healthy ...
If you are looking for a good family dog, consider one of the hunting breeds. If you already own one you don't need to read this My husband and son hunt using our ...
When you're thinking about the best dog breeds for families, it's a good idea to remember that families come in all shapes and sizes..... and so do the best family dogs
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is medium-small dog that weighs between 35 and 45 pounds. It is a popular choice as a family pet due to its good-natured disposition ...
However, if your child accidentally steps on a tail or takes a tumble and lands on the dog, you'll be rewarded for choosing a good-natured family dog with a good ...
When we move we would like to get a dog. Now, I had 2 mixed breeds before I had kids.... but, what we are looking for is a family friendly dog, that
Dog Breed Info Center® Search. What breed is right for your family? Take the quiz and find out ... Do you want a dog considered good for allergy ...Are Toy Poodles Good Family Dogs? Do Toy Poodles Go Along With Kids?
In order to be a good family dog, a dog must get along with all the others members of the family unit. In the case of toy poodles we must ask first if they are good ...